Friday, September 26, 2008

When 'Shyness' is Really Self Defeatist...

I've really been struggling with something lately! It's the most obvious thing, but to me it's been a crutch that I didn't even realize I had until very recently. I'm a "chick with a dick". Who knew? ;) LOL

Now this is where you smack me on the forehead and say something like, well, DUH! Give me just a second to point out what I mean by that though. First of all... I'm WAY more than just a chick with a dick! I'm outgoing, smart, goofy, creative, silly, and sensuous, just for starters. The only problem is, I could not get past the C.W.D. syndrome in order to appreciate those finer qualities about myself!

I've never thought of myself as self-limiting, but for the last two years of my transition, I've totally cut myself off at the knees every time I thought I liked someone, or they liked me (big 'L' here). ;( It's like, I'm so afraid that they'll get close and be freaked out by the fact that what's between my legs doesn't match what's above the waist, that I never even gave whomever the opportunity to show me how really cool they can be!!! I mean... is that neurotic or what?!?! grrrrrrr!

From this day forward I promise to forget that I'm "different"... at least long enough to give someone a chance at getting to know me better! Otherwise, no surgery in the world is going to "fix" my insecurity! :)

Happy Friday!
PS: Great topical post in the Zen habits blog => Attack Your Limitations: Turn Your Weaknesses Into Strengths

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