Friday, July 18, 2008

Hello World

Hello World... LOL What a concept. For all of you non-geeks out there, this is almost always the first program you write in ANY programming language! Isn't it funny that for one of the most introverted, anti-social, and downright geeky of professions (or hobbies) the very first thing you do is write a program that reaches out to the whole world?

Since I'm a geek, oh a transgender geek to be vaguely specific, so I thought it fitting. :) I've previously done all of my blogging on myspace, but I want to be able to blog without dealing with a billion creepy "friend requests". Nothing personal to the nice people who've sent me requests and such. It's just that when you're as open about being trans and bi as I am, people tend to think you're up for just about anything and LOVE to proposition you. Just because I'm queer, doesn't mean I'm ready for a drunken orgy with you and 3 of your best friends. Oh and, "Hey, you're pretty" is NOT a good pickup line... just in case you're wondering.

HAHAHA Really though, life is great! I just want to have a place where I can post important things that happen to me or just happen to find their way across the transom of my hyperactive mind. ;)

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